
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CHILDREN TERRORISTS IN GAZA - EVIDENCE MOUNTS - Gaza children used as human shields or terrorists - Human rights organizations and media SILENT except when blaming Israel for their demise. - Little Arab children as young as nine engaged in rioting and terror in Israel

Palestinians in Israel have also been using young children as an informal army of rock throwers, Molotov cocktail throwers, lynch mobs, and occasionally suicide bombers as well.  (See report below - Rioters as young as nine years old.)     

The media is partly to blame because of the prominence they give to reports of child casualties.  During the Gaza war journalists turned their media into an uninterrupted dead-children porn exhibit.

Here is part of the transcript of a Harvard Medical School podcast with plastic surgeon Sumner Slavin who, after spending time in the Middle East, started a fellowship program to teach plastic surgeons from the region advanced techniques and procedures.
Despite the conflict, some amazing things happened.

To give you an example: About a year or two ago, a Palestinian boy in the Gaza Strip threw a grenade at Israeli soldiers. A not unusual event. In doing so, because he was ten years old, he blew his arm off. His arm was on the ground. The soldiers picked him up, and his arm, lifted him by helicopter from the Gaza Strip to Beersheba.

A team of microsurgeons went to work immediately to restore the arm and reconnect it. Both of those were plastic surgeons trained in microsurgery here.
They were successful; the boy's arm was reattached, he was returned to the Gaza Strip.

child soldier hamasThis is not an isolated incident, as Dr. Slavin indicates. There is evidence that recruiting children for fighting is widespread in Gaza -  including pre-teens.

In a pro-terror message forum, the obituary for nine-year old Obaid Fadel Abu Hwaisehl says that he was killed helping his uncle performing jihadi tasks. The boy was buried with full Hamas honors and wrapped in its flag, just like mujahidin.
Using the most recent list of Gaza dead that included ages and genders, 88 out of 124 kids from ages 9-17 were boys - 70%. The ratio goes up the older the teens are, from 62% of those 9-11 to 79% of those between 15-17.

It is apparent that terror groups are recruiting teens. The statistical evidence indicates that recruitment is happening much earlier. One would expect a similar amount of boys and girls being killed in Gaza, but that simply isn't the case.

 We already know that Hamas gives
paramilitary training to teens in high school and  to younger children in summer camps.

But no "human rights' group is even looking at this.

On the contrary, NGOs like "Defense for Children International - Palestine" go out of their way to hide the issue of child fighters, identifying them as innocent victims even when other NGOs admit that they were militants.

The world media has
no hesitation reporting about child terrorists in ISIS. Why are those in Gaza being ignored?

Article above and video  -

Palestinian rioters in Israel as young as nine years old
Can't lose. They either injure Jews, or they get injured by Israeli armed forces - which turns them into media-exploited martyrs 
It's being dubbed the "silent intifada" by Israelis, with many perplexed as to why authorities aren't acting more firmly against the massive explosion of violence by Arab extremists in Jerusalem.
Arab rioters (file)
Arab youngsters rioting  -  Photo - Arutz Sheva

Rock attacks, molotov cocktails, lynch-mobs, physical assaults, vandalism, firecrackers and even live gunfire have all been reported, against police and Jewish residents alike, as figures revealed an alarming, exponential growth in the number of terror attacks in the capital. 152 incidents were reported in July and August alone - a stark rise from previous months.

And as two incidents on Tuesday illustrate, even young children are getting involved.

In one incident Tuesday afternoon a car in which a Jewish family was traveling was hit by a rock while driving through the Shiloach (Silwan) neighborhood. Thankfully, no one was injured, but the family promptly informed the police.

Border police responded to the incident, and after an investigation revealed that the culprit was an 11-year-old Arab boy.

The incident was referred to social services, while the minor was released into his parent's custody.

Shortly prior to that incident police said an Arab youth hurled rocks at police accompanying an ambulance in the A-Tor neighborhood.

In that case as well, police succeeded in tracking down the attacker - only to find, to their astonishment, that the perpetrator was a nine-year-old boy.

Again, the boy was released into his parents' custody and the case was referred to social services.
The public outcry over the lack of action by authorities prompted a high-profile visit to some of the worst-hit areas by the chief of police and the internal security minister last week, and promises of tougher measures against the attackers.

Those promised appear to be yielding some fruit; Tuesday morning saw a mini-crackdown by police, with 22 suspected rioters arrested, many of whom (including the above) were minors.

Several of the young offenders admitted to firebombing Jewish houses because they "hate Jews."

Source -


Hamas training thousands of child soldiers
Video - Gaza children attend summer terror camp

Hamas admits using human shields, many of them children.

Child suicide bombers in Israeli-Palestinian conflict

UN ignores Hamas training of child soldiers
June 2013 - The annual report of the United Nations Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict highlights progress it claims was made in 2012 to protect children living in countries affected by conflict
One group, the Hamas terrorist organization who controls the Gaza Strip, seems to have eluded the UN report’s list of shame. Even if it were on the list, Hamas’ leaders would see it as a badge of honor.
Senior Hamas commander Zaher Jabarin said in a video interview that Hamas labors “day and night” in educating Palestinian children in Gaza to become suicide bombers.

Underscoring Hamas’ commitment to the use of children for combat, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh announced that the Hamas-run Education Ministry is establishing a military academy in the Gaza Strip to train and educate schoolchildren for battle against Israel.
 The Telegraph reported on the extent of Hamas’ child soldier training program, which involves “37,000 Palestinian boys aged between 15 and 17”:

“Palestinian schoolboys are learning how to fire Kalashnikovs, throw grenades and plant improvised explosive devices as part of a programme run by Hamas’s education ministry.”

Five thousand teens wearing military uniforms also attended a two-week camp at a Hamas military base, where Hamas’ armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, trained them in hand-to-hand combat and urban warfare techniques.
From Facebook:
Proud Al Quassam Brigade (Hamas military wing) parents post photos of their babies
Hamas used children to build terror tunnels
By mid-2012 more than 160 Gaza children had died from work accidents building tunnels.  -  In the meantime the Hamas elite became millionaires in the tunnel trade business.


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