
Monday, September 1, 2014


The tiny trunkfish who was pictured in the Red Sea, off the coast of Israel photobombing underwarer divers 
The tiny photobomber! Trunkfish loves his reflection so much he's in every picture 
  • The 15cm fish photobombed divers who were in the Red Sea off Israel 
  • Creature swam right up to the divers and pouted and posed for the camera
  • Fish is said to enjoy looking at his reflection in the camera's lens 
  • Pictures were captured by Ilan Ben Tov, who was diving with three friends

  • The 15cm fish pouted and posed for the camera, almost looking as though he was trying to give them a kiss Fascinated by the cameras, the tiny fish swum up to them and checked out its reflection in the lens.  Even though the three divers were giants to the small creature, the Trunkfish was not intimidated by them and posed for the camera.  
    And with its lips firmly sticking out, it almost looked like the fish was about to give its new friends and their cameras a kiss.
    Photographer Ilan Ben Tov, was able to capture the encounter just seven metres below the surface using an underwater camera. 
    Photographer Ilan Ben Tov, 48, was able to capture the encounter just seven metres below the water's surfaceThe 48-year-old explained: 'This specific Trunkfish is in love with divers, especially underwater photographers that pass through its territory.  He likes to view its reflection in the camera lens and is generally attracted to cameras so it is very easy to interact with him. 
    'The photographers with the fish are my dive buddies Yaron and Dani.  It is always a great experience when underwater creatures are not intimidated by you and are interacting with you.  The fish size is around 15cm in length, 7cm wide and usually this type of fish is solitary.'
    Mr Tov, who lives in Israel and works as a software engineer, travelled to Israel's most southern city, Eilat, with friends so they could go diving in the red sea.  He said: 'The pictures were taken in a weekend of underwater photography that I do every month or two in Eilat.'

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