
Sunday, August 17, 2014

TRAVEL TO PLACES WITH WILD ANIMALS - SICK OF THE HUMAN RACE? Go to tourist destinations where you can play with wild animals in beautiful settings

Okunoshima, Japan: Better known as Rabbit Island, Okunoshima is a small island in the Inland Sea of Japan. Once a secret chemical warfare production site for the Japanese Army, the island is now occupied by hundreds of rabbits after a colony of them were taken there to test the effects of the poison. The plant was closed in 1945 but the herds of friendly rabbits remained and are now a much bigger attraction than the Poison Gas Museum
Bunnies in Okunoshima, Japan
An island where cats outnumber humans, swimming pigs in The Bahamas and a thriving colony of rabbits in Japan: Discover the amazing places around the world that animal lovers will adore.

Great Barrier Reef: One of the seven wonders of the natural world, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is home to some 1500 species of tropical fish, 200 types of birds, 20 types of reptiles as well as whales, dolphins, rays, molluscs and coral sponges. The marine park, which was given UNESCO world heritage site status in 1981, stretches over 1800 miles and is the only living thing on earth that is visible from space
Great Barrier Reef
From Africa to Australia, Asia to America, and even here in the UK, there are some incredible places around the world where tourists can see all creatures great and small.
Exuma: It is said that the pigs of Exuma, a group of islands in The Bahamas, were dropped there by a group of sailors who wanted to come back and cook them however when they didn't return the pigs thrived and made the place their home. The clever swines worked out that the crews of passing yachts regularly dumped excess food into the sea which is why you can see them swimming in the clear blue seas today
Swimming pigs at Exuma, Bahamas
It's not unusual to see millions of different species underwater at the Great Barrier Reef but make your way to The Bahamas and it's not fish you'll see swimming in their crystal clear waters but pigs.
Go underwater in Palau, a small island in the Pacific, and swim with millions of friendly jellyfish that have lost their stings or stay on land and help with the conservation of the endangered orangutans in Borneo.
You may have one or two domestic pets at home but head to Japan and you can see your favourite fluffy friends in their hundreds. 'Breed like rabbits' is never a truer phrase than on the island of Okunoshima while cats outnumber humans on the island of Tashirojima.
Normally feared as being ferocious animals, the sharks near the Isle of Man are amiable plankton-eating basking sharks while in Burkina Faso the locals and crocodiles live so happily together you can even sit on them. 
Kruger National Park: Stretching out for 7332 square miles, Kruger is a wonderland of wildlife, playing host, across the year, to 507 species of birds and 147 species of mammal. The National Park in South Africa is home to all of the Big Five ¿ lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, rhinoceros as well as cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, hippos and hyenas.  Tourists can stay in game lodges or go on drives through the park, during the day and at night, to see the many different species of animal.
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Hundreds of horses have been living on the island of Assateague for centuries but you can only see the straw-coloured fruit bats, that migrate in the millions, in Zambia for three months of the year.
For the ultimate in animal adventure, and to see lots of these weird and wonderful animals in the same place, it's Kruger National Park you want to be heading to...

Read more and see additional pictures

Borneo: The highly intelligent orangutan is Borneo's most eminent species and can be seen by either trekking into the jungle or visiting one of the many rehabilitation centres on the island. After illegal logging, hunting and conversion of land to agricultural use, the number of orangutans has declined alarmingly in the last 50 years. There are many sanctuaries on the island which were founded with the aim of returning orphaned, injured or mistreated animals back into the wild
Baby Orangutans, Borneo
Jellyfish lake, Palau: Located on Eil Malik island in Palau, Jellyfish Lake is home to over a million stingless  golden jellyfish. Hundreds of years ago the lake had an outlet to the ocean but when the sea level dropped the jellyfish population were isolated in the algae-rich lake and began to thrive. They had no predators so over time their stings disappeared and now divers can now swim alongside them with no fear of being stung
Jellyfish Lake, Palau


More about the swimming pigs previously reported on this blog

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