
Sunday, August 17, 2014

ONCE GLORIOUS BRITAIN NOW TREMBLING IN FEAR OF ITS MUSLIM POPULATION - Kosher foods removed from stores in fear of Muslim violence

Anger: Kosher goods were removed yesterday from a Sainsbury's Local in Holborn, central London, allegedly over fears that protesters would damage them. But a passer-by claimed staff said: 'We support Free Gaza'

Sainsbury's strips kosher food from its shelves over fear of attacks by anti-Israeli protesters picketing as Gaza demonstrators run amok in Tesco branch
  • Products removed from shelves at Sainsbury's in Holborn, central London
  • Protesters were campaigning outside against its stocking of Israeli goods
  • A store spokesman insisted the decision was pragmatic to stop food spoiling
  • But shopper claimed staff member told him: 'We support Free Gaza'
  • Outrage followed online as people accused decision of being anti-Semitic
  • Some of the goods removed were from Britain and Poland, not just Israel 
  • Incident yesterday came as protesters threw food in Birmingham Tesco 

  • Read more -


    As previously reported on this blog:

    Anger: The incident happened yesterday as police officers were allegedly attacked when an anti-Israeli protest at this branch of Tesco in Hodge Hill, Birmingham, got out of hand. Stock was thrown around the storePRO-PALESTINIAN ASIAN DEMONSTRATORS TRASH BRITISH STORE

    They made their point about their disagreement with Tesco's purchasing practices by being aggressive to shoppers and staff, and throwing products all over the place. Victims traumatized

    Just about everybody sympathizes with the Palestinians these days, and make excuses for their violence and terror.  But once that violence comes home, that's different.
    What people don't understand is that these people are used to get what they want through violence and intimidation.  It works for them.  They not only often get what they want, but they get additional sympathy every time they behave badly.
    In a different form of racism, most people tend to have lower expectations from Palestinians, and Muslims in general.  As if they were incapable of exercising control over their emotions, and can't help themselves. 
    These shoppers in Birmingham were lucky.  It was only threats and stuff being thrown around.  Israelis have to cope with "frustrated" rock  throwers and firebomb throwers every day in Israel, and rockets fired from Gaza. 
    Israelis also have to put up with murder and suicide bombers.  That's how Palestinians are used to make a point - while the world sends them money and support.
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    UK Jews facing rising anti-Semitic attacks. 
    In July alone more than 200 anti-Semitic incidents were reported, many of them at political demonstrations – a staggering spike considering that the previous six months combined saw a total of 304 incidents. And when you add the fact that police sources say a significant number – perhaps even a majority – of anti-Semitic crimes go unreported, the picture looks grimmer still.
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