
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

LIBERAL MEDIA MANIPULATING AND INFLAMING VIOLENCE - Accused of creating a lynch mob mentality in Ferguson - Media malpractice in Gaza

If it bleeds, it leads.  And if the media - by its constant presence and slanted reporting - can make it bleed some more, the better for their business.

Media Fueling Racism
Breitbart - reporter Erin Delmore said that Ferguson, MO residents are telling members of the media to stay away from the protests because they believe it is encouraging violence.

Breitbart - Former CNN anchor and Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz” host Howie Kurtz criticized some outlets for creating “almost a lynch mob mentality” in Ferguson, MO in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown. 

“... Huffington Post today has a screaming banner headline ‘Arrest Him’ (meaning the police officer involved).   Now, the Huffington Post, nor you or I, knows exactly what happened” he said. And “when you cross that line into becoming an advocate and to demanding that somebody be prosecuted before the facts are in, while the investigation is going on, you’re grandstanding, you’re trying to keep the story alive and I really think it’s troubling.”
Kurtz also criticized CNN for showing the house of accused officer Darren Wilson, stating, “It defies my understanding how you could put his life or the life of his family in danger by even briefly showing the house or naming the street.”   

Media malpractice in Israel and the Palestinian Territories

In Israel, as in many other places of conflict, there are savvy pro-Palestinian organizers who know exactly what to do to attract the eye of international media.  It could go from something as simple as the burning of an effigy or an enemy flag in the middle of the street, to the unleashing of all-out riots.
Their purposes when using media this way are varied, but among them are keeping their cause on the headlines, and highlighting their cause as full-scale drama.
Our culture tends to minimize personal responsibility and gloss over lack of self-control. No matter what a criminal does, there is always the tendency to blame society. 
Audiences also have a hunger for drama and destruction.  What else could explain the repeated success of movies with abundant mayhem and natural and man-made catastrophes?
The media knows this and so they are committed to reporting a steady stream of drama.  Their tacit agreement with protestors and terrorists is that they will provide this drama, and the media will unquestioningly report it as drama, without proper context and analysis.
Balanced reporting
There is also a bizarre notion of "balance" in news reporting.  When they gather a panel to discuss Israel, there is a formula where the radio or TV host invites a proclaimed pro-Palestinian guest, to be balanced with a liberal Jew to represent the Israeli side - one who usually has only a marginal sense of identification with Israel's struggle to survive in such a hostile neighborhood.  For such a Jewish guest, abstract and academic notions override the real-life and desperate situation of a country besieged by international hostility and belligerence.

Top Nine Gaza Media Myths

Myth: Because far more Gaza residents than Israelis have been killed, the Israeli actions are "disproportionate."
Fact: First of all, contrary to Khalidi, three quarters of the Palestinians killed at the time of his writing were combatants, not civilians, including 290 Hamas combatants who had been specifically identified.   Moreover, it's impossible to reach conclusions about right or wrong based on the number of people killed (as in World War II).  Clearly the answer is no.  Proportionality in the sense used by Nicolas Kristof, and before him Christiane Amanpour and Rashid Khalidi, is meaningless.

What readers and TV audiences don't know

Palestinian official admits Hamas intimidates journalists into reporting only the Hamas message.  Foreign Press Association issues strong condemnation of Hamas tactics of intimidation and interference
Read more -

Terrorist group Hamas threatening journalists who expose abuse of civilians in Gaza  - Reporters have capitulated to Hamas harassment
Read more -

Italian journalist must escape for his life after disclosing that it was a Hamas rocket that killed Gazan children, and not an Israeli missile
Read more -


Anonymous Sources run amok

How the media craft victory for Hamas

BBC and NYT admit number of Gazan civilian casualties not credible

Read more interesting articles about media malpractice in Israel and Gaza coverage  HERE

Websites exposing media bias
Media For HamasCommittee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America

Palestinian Media Watch

Honest Reporting USA

Honest Reporting Canada


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