
Saturday, August 23, 2014

JAMES FOLEY WENT TO SYRIA TO SUPPORT THE SUNNI ISLAMIST REBELS - Decapitated by ISIS, he had belonged to a new brand of activist journalists

By Daniel Greenfield for Frontpage Magazine
James Foley was one of a new breed of activists calling themselves journalists. He didn’t travel to report on a story, but to promote an agenda. And the agenda was obvious from his Twitter feedIn the conflict between Israel and Hamas, his tweets and retweets were full of pro-terrorist propaganda.
Any human life lost is tragic, but a moral individual would have much more empathy for the Syrian Christians who suffered at the hands of Foley’s favorite Jihadists than one of their propagandists.

For the most Foley only mentioned Syrian Christians when he was promoting the myth that the Sunni Jihadists were actually a secular democracy-loving force that incorporated Christians and Kurds on equal terms.
Foley came to Syria to support the Sunni Islamist rebels against the Syrian government. He was a vehement advocate and while he didn’t necessarily side with any single group, he echoed the one sided narrative rather than telling the truth about the Islamists. His Twitter feed was full of urgings to arm the Jihadists.
He cheered on the Sunni Muslim terrorists fighting to ethnically cleanse the Christians of Aleppo. 
But Foley ran afoul of at least some of the Sunni Jihadists in Syria. His twitter feed was filled with references to the FSA. And the FSA was going to be eclipsed by the Al Qaeda affiliates. And that was where he ended up.
When Austin Tice, an actual freelance journalist was kidnapped by Jihadists, Foley ridiculed the idea that Jihadists had kidnapped him. Surely Syrian Jihadists wouldn’t do that sort of thing. Except they did.
When Newsweek’s Muslim Rage cover story came out, Foley mocked it too. Raging Muslims. How silly and Islamophobic. Foley was fanatically anti-Israel and was even willing to echo Iranian propaganda. 
This article via

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NOTE - For some reason I was technically unable to access this article at its original source on Frontpage Magazine.  It would repeatedly freeze up.

But I got it indirectly through the other websites listed above.


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