
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

DOG TRIES DESPERATELY TO REVIVE FISH STRANDED ON THE BEACH by splashing them with water again and again - Animals show more decency than humans

Like a fish out of water: The first fish does not move so the golden retriever moves on

Anyone who has had a pet knows how kind and compassionate they can be.  They are indeed our teachers, and we should repay them with love and kindness.
Daily Mail - A heartbreaking video shows the moment a golden retriever desperately tries to revive some stranded fish by splashing them with water.  The video, taken by the dog's owner, shows the hound flicking water at the lifeless fish as they lay on dry land. 
The determined dog spends 45 seconds pushing water towards the fish and even nudging one as he tries to bring them back to life, while a woman giggles in the background. As the dog becomes more desperate in his attempts to revive one fish, it scrapes its nose along the ground, missing the shallow puddle of water entirely. 
The mobile phone video, shot in Thailand, then shows fish's best friend frantically dashing on to another of the large catches.  The dog carries on splashing as its owner laughs more, but the fish still do not move.  However, just as the dog starts to lose hope, one of the fish shows a flicker of life as it opens its mouth and flails slightly.  By this time the golden retriever has already moved onto another fish and does not notice.
Online reactions
Some animal-friendly YouTube users praised the dog for its actions, while others criticised the person who took the video for laughing.  One user, Jack Fermon, said: 'That's why I hate people and love dogs...'  Another, under the name Red Magnet, added: 'Dog tries to save fish while humans only take a video and post it on YouTube. Sounds about right.'  Cody Graham said: 'Dogs are so much kinder then people are.' 
Watch video -


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