
Sunday, August 31, 2014

DENMARK ACCUSED OF HELPING FAROE ISLANDS BLOOD ORGY OF FISHERMEN MASSACRING WHALES FOR FUN - They say it's "tradition". Whales screaming in agony while witnesses laughed and cheered

2014:  Butchered on the beach: Whales heard 'screaming in agony' as 33 were slaughtered while witnesses 'laughed and cheered'  

A disturbing sight as a young girl rides a slain pilot whale at the scene of the brutal mass slaughter of 33 whales on the Faroe Island of Sandoy on Sunday.
Brutal: A disturbing sight as a young girl rides a slain pilot whale at the scene of the brutal mass slaughter of 33 whales on the Faroe Island of Sandoy on Saturday where families flocked to join the annual ritual.
  • Australian woman Krystal Keynes has been arrested in the Faroe Islands
  • 14 anti-whale activists were arrested, reportedly by Danish & Faroese police
  • The group unsuccessfully tried to prevent the mass slaughter of 33 whales
  • Witnesses say that the whales were heard 'screaming in agony' 
  • 'Men, women and children flocked to the beach, laughing and cheering'
  • A boat donated by American actor Charlie Sheen has been illegally seized
  • Sheen releases statement to Sea Shepherd about his anger and disgust
  • Founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society accuses Denmark of assisting the whale slaughter

    An Australian woman is one of 14 anti-whaling protesters who have been arrested on the Faroese Island of Sandoy on Saturday, after unsuccessfully trying to stop the mass slaughter of 33 pilot whales.
    Location of the Faroe Islands in Northern Europe.
    Faroe Islands in N. Europe, off Denmark's coast
    The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society volunteers entered the water to prevent the massacre, when they were allegedly intercepted by the Danish Navy.  Amongst the arrested volunteers was Australian citizen, Krystal Keynes from Perth. 
    Footage shows the Sea Shepherd volunteers being forcibly taken into custody by police on the shore, whilst the whales are brutally hacked to death on the water’s edge behind them.  Sea Shepherd founder Captain Paul Watson accuses the Danish navy of showing its support for Faroese whalers, explaining that by intervening with the Sea Shepherd volunteers the Danish navy assisted in the illegal slaughter of 33 whales.
    For 85 days, the volunteers have been defending whales from slaughter as a part of ‘Operation Grindstop 2014.’  The Sea Shepherd activists use boats to direct pods of whales away from the threat of whalers on the 18 Faroe islands.  Three of the Sea Shepherd vessels were seized by the navy, including the ‘B.S. Sheen’ – a small boat that was donated by American actor, Charlie Sheen, who has spoken out against ‘atrocity’ that took place on Saturday.
    'The Faroese whalers brutally slaughtered an entire pod of 33 pilot whales today, several generations taken from the sea, and Denmark is complicit in the killing,' actor Charlie Sheen told the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in a statement from the foundation.  
    'I am proud that a vessel bearing my name was there and did all it could to try to stop this atrocity.'
    'The 40-foot Zodiac called the 'BS SHEEN' that I donated to Mr. Watson's tireless and heroic efforts, has been shamefully seized. This level of insidious and vicious corruption must be dealt with swiftly and harshly,' reportedly told the Foundation. 
    'The positive side of this encounter is we now have evidence to implicate the Danish government and Sea Shepherd will take this evidence to the European Parliament to demand that action be taken against Denmark for collaboration with an illegal slaughter of whales,' Captain Watson wrote on his official Facebook page. 
    'We have the evidence that pilot whale blood in on the hands of Danish sailors and Danish Police. What is rotten in the Faroes is also very much rotten in Denmark.'  'Sea Shepherd calls upon all of its supporters to speak out against this horrific loss of life. Please contact the government of Denmark and ask them to end the horrific, archaic ‘grind’ and release Sea Shepherd volunteers at once.'
    A file image of one of the mass whale killings that have been taking place in the Faroe Islands for more than 400 years.
    A file image of one of the mass slaughters that have taken place in the Faroe Islands for more than 400 years
    Map - Wikipedia
    Photos - Sea Shepherd, Daily Mail
    Previous reports on this yearly massacre at Faroes Island

    Warned by their own Faroes Chief Medical officer: 
    Whale meat is not fit for human consumption.
    On 26 November 2008, the Chief Medical Officer in the Faroes, Dr Høgni Debes Joensen, together with Dr Pál Weihe of the Department of Public and Occupational Health, issued a joint press statement with a recommendation that the meat and blubber of pilot whales was no longer fit for human consumption because of the  high levels of mercury and other toxins that accumulate in the meat and organs of the whales and a comparatively high incidence of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and other serious health issues in the Faroes linked to these contaminants.

    Read more -

    Danish Navy ships were nearby to protect the massacre operation from protesters of the Sea Shepherd Society as evidence of Denmark's collaboration with this inhumane act.
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