
Saturday, August 16, 2014

CHRISTIAN CHURCHES HAVE OPENLY SUPPORTED MUSLIM TERROR AGAINST ISRAEL, while silent about Muslim persecution of Christians - Now they are reaping the results of their wicked tacit alliance with Islam as Christians are increasingly abused and murdered - Pope Francis calls for military action against ISIS in Iraq

  • ISRAEL is the only country in the Middle East where Christians are safe, and free to lead normal lives.
  • Christians Arabs with Israeli citizenship - although still pressured by Arab Muslims to side with their nationalist movement - are increasingly expressing allegiance to Israel. 
  • Recently there was a demonstration by Christian Israeli Arabs in support of their country.
  • Christian Israeli Arabs are also joining the Israeli army.
  • Over the years there has been a steady migration of Christians out of the Palestinian Authority, due to Muslim threats and harassment.
  • Gaza Christians too are under severe pressure and harassment.
  • Pope Francis (Reuters)
    None of that means anything to the Vatican, which consistently exhibits open animosity against the State of Israel.  The Vatican did not recognize Israel until 1993.
  • Right after the Holocaust, the Vatican threw its enthusiastic support for Israel's enemies, the Muslim terrorists who were blowing up and slaughtering innocent Israelis.
  • In an apparent tacit agreement, the Vatican has restrained itself from criticizing Islam, in exchange for Islam's relentless war against Israel and the Jews.
  • All the while thousands of Christians have suffered from atrocities perpetrated by Muslims, and many have been enslaved or killed.  Christian churches have remained silent.
  • But never silent against Israel, by promoting boycotts and divestments, and a never-ending string of condemnations
  • Now the Vatican, in a feeble too-little-too-late reaction, is urging for military action in Iraq to protect Christians from slaughter or forced conversion to Islam. 
 Vatican calls for urgent military action in Iraq
BREITBART - Military intervention in Iraq may be the only way to stop the genocide against the country's Christian minority by the Islamic State (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS), a senior Vatican diplomat Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's permanent observer to the United Nations told Vatican Radio.

At least 100,000 Christians have fled their villages in the Nineveh plains of northern Iraq, according to Iraq's Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Sako. Last month, the Islamic State ordered Christians living in Mosul to pay the jizyah tax mandated by the Quran, convert to Islam, or face death.  Islamic State terrorists have looted the Christians' possessions – everything from dentures to wedding rings – leaving them destitute. Churches have been burned or converted into mosques. Ancient Christian manuscripts also have been burned, and Christian symbols have been desecrated.
"They are killing our people in the name of Allah and telling people that anyone who kills a Christian will go straight to heaven," Archbishop Toma Dawod of the Syrian Orthodox Church told U.K.'s The Guardian newspaper following the fall of Qaraqosh, which had been Iraq's largest Christian city, to the Islamic State.

Christian Churches apparent tacit alliance with Islam:
We won't mention Islam's horrors, and will continue to defend the Palestinians, as long as you keep attacking Israel and the Jews.
Popes have been consistent in their condemnation of Israel since its very reconstitution back in 1948, refusing to recognize its legitimacy, and giving their warm support to Arab terrorists.
Prior to that, during the Holocaust, the Vatican had been silent as Jews were murdered in the millions by the Nazis. 
At the end of World War II, the Vatican provided thousands of top Nazi criminals with false identity papers and the infamous RAT LINES, a way out of Europe and into North and South America.
Not sooner had the State of Israel been reconstituted, giving shelter to the surviving Jews from Nazi Germany, and to Jews fleeing for their lives from Arab lands, that the Vatican unleashed another phase of its centuries-old war against the Jews, focusing this time on the state of Israel.
The Vatican and other churches appear to have had a tacit agreement where Christian institutions would not criticize Islam, as long as the Muslims continued with the war on Israel and the Jews.
Instead of standing firm in support of Christian rights in Muslim countries, Christian churches have avoided the issue, preferring to repeatedly criticize Israel. 
The mass murders of Christians in Africa and the Middle East have been so gruesome that Churches are now embarrassed and forced to speak out.  But their stance is still timid and limited to criticizing only the most egregious abuses by ISIS in Iraq. 
Churches continue to be silent about other persecutions going on in other Muslim countries, and in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. 

Pope John Paul II (left) met TWELVE times with terrorist Yassir Arafat, whose hands were dripping with the blood of Israeli men, women and children, whose slaughter he had ordered. 
Pope Francis (right) has met several times with current Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas - the financial mastermind of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, and known Holocaust denier.  Pope Francis made a point when visiting Israel, to start his tour in the Palestinian Authority, criticizing Israel for the security measures that save Israeli lives from Palestinian snipers, murderers and suicide bombers.

In the meantime, Palestinian Christians are being persecuted by the same Palestinian Muslims to whom the Vatican and other Christian churches give their unconditional support.
Here is a picture of thirty members of Israel's first pre-military course specially tailored for Christian Arab citizens entering the Israel Defense Forces, as they celebrated their graduation in a formal ceremony in Haifa this week. The group includes four women. 


Father Gabriel Naddaf, founder of the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum, expressed his thanks to the government for "its help and cooperation."   Naddaf has been the target of a Muslim intimidation campaign for his role in promoting military service for Israeli Christian Arabs and has been banned from the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth (under control of the Palestinian Authority).
Read more about this graduation  -
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Some 150 Israeli Arabic-speaking Christians on Sunday demonstrated outside the EU mission in Tel Aviv, demanding that the international community stop nitpicking against Israel and start combatting the severe persecution of Christians everywhere else in the Middle East.

Israel Today “Nations, organizations and international missions are quick to raise an accusing finger against Israel at every opportunity,” said Father Gabriel Nadaf, spiritual father of the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, which organized the rally. Those same nations and organizations “don’t life a finger against the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East,” the priest continued.
Arab Christians have protested against EU intimidation and slander against Israel in front of the European Union mission in Tel Aviv:
The Vatican's disgraceful history of hate against the Jews and Israel
And the Muslim-Christian Alliance forged for the destruction of Israel

Vatican's hypocrisy and support for Arab terrorists

Film maker about the pope's visit to Israel:
How dare the pope condemn a barrier that is meant to protect Jewish children

Pope expresses concern about Jewish kids painting graffiti, but not about Arabs slaughtering Jews

Pope's words in Israel deny Catholicism and embrace Islam

The persecution of Christians by Palestinian Muslims

During the Nazi regime in Germany, the Vatican not only refused to help the Jews, but it did everything possible to help Nazi murderers escape justice by creating the Rat Lines, which allowed them to flee to other countries. 

Excellent video on the Vatican and the Nazis - Interview with researcher John Loftus

The Pope, Eichmann, and the Nazi Ratlines

Vatican-issued passports allowed at least 900 top Nazi criminals to escape Europe
How top Nazis escaped thanks to the Vatican Rat Lines
More on the Vatican's Rat Lines 
This blog's archive on the Vatican

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