
Saturday, August 9, 2014

APOCALYPSE IN IRAQ - Looming genocide of Yazidi population - We watch helplessly while our political leaders refuse to get involved - SHAMEFUL

If Hitler were running Europe today, terrorizing the population and massacring minorities - our leaders would say, Sorry, we just don't want to get involved in another war.  
Daily Mail - Crucified by the Caliphate monsters: Iraq descends into apocalypse as Islamic State fanatics seize towns and tell terrified Yazidi 'Become Muslims by noon today... or we kill all of you'
Seeking salvation: Thousands of people stranded for weeks on the mountain range near Sinjar flee towards Syria through a secure corridor opened by Kurdish troops
  • Mail on Sunday reporter Ian Birrell gives shocking despatch from Irbil
  • Terrified residents see Islamic State (IS) jihadists capturing nearby towns
  • Refugees speak of being offered sinister ultimatum by advancing horde
  • IS has shocked the world again by capturing new swathes of Iraq
  • Came as U.S. stepped in and started bombing IS artillery and convoys
  • Meanwhile they surround Yazidi religious minority on barren mountainside
  • Some of persecuted sect escaped today by helicopter and escort

  • Photo above - Seeking salvation: Thousands of people stranded for weeks on the mountain range near Sinjar flee towards Syria through a secure corridor opened by Kurdish troops

    Read more and see dramatic pictures on the Daily Mail
    A Yazidi woman and a young baby shelter in Lalish, the religion's holy valley in northern Iraq
    Yazidi woman and baby waiting for their fate
    London calling: A British C130 Hercules is pictured flying tonnes of aid to the stranded Yazidi yesterday
    US and UK planes are dropping supplies to terrified refugees and bombing an ISIS site or two - from a safe distance.
    Photos above - Daily Mail
    President Obama insists: 
    No boots on the ground
    The plight of Christians - Vicar of Baghdad describes the horrors
    Read more
    Razed: The Arsal refugee camp, pictured, was burned down by the invading militants
    Refugee camp in Lebanon burned to the ground by Islamists
    Refugees head back to Syria.
    Read more -

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