
Sunday, July 20, 2014

UNITED NATIONS GIVES ROCKETS IT FOUND INSIDE SCHOOL BACK TO HAMAS TERRORISTS - UNRWA funded by American taxpayers - UNRWA school textbooks promote hate, jihad, the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews

Why there are civilian casualties in Gaza: Islamic jihadists place rockets in Gaza UNRWA school
PALESTINIAN SCHOOL (photo Jihad Watch)
The UN agency for Palestinian Arab “refugees,” UNRWA, has caused outrage by apparently giving rockets back to Hamas.   
On Thursday, UNRWA confirmed that 20 rockets had been found in one of its vacant schools in Gaza.   UNRWA staff said last week that they had “informed the relevant parties and successfully took all necessary measures for the removal of the objects.”
Gaza inforgraphic (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit twitter)

However, Channel 2 reports Sunday that - rather than destroying the rockets - UNRWA workers called Hamas to come remove them. 
Hamas has fired over 1,500 rockets at Israeli population centers over the past two weeks. Any new rockets would presumably be used in similar attacks.

UNRWA Refuses to Provide Pictures

While UNRWA confirmed the existence of rockets in one of its schools last week, the organization refused an Israeli request to provide a picture of the weapons. A picture could have helped Israel show that Hamas uses civilian institutions to store weapons and launch attacks.
Hamas has openly used human shields in its latest conflict with Israel. The terrorist group issued a statement Thursday urging Gaza residents to ignore IDF warnings to evacuate their homes.

Earlier, Hamas gathered civilians to stand on the roof of a senior terrorist’s home in order to deter an IDF strike.

Link to this article on Israel National News
Everything in Gaza is under control of Hamas.
Certainly there is no independent Palestinian Arab institution in Gaza with the ability or expertise to properly dispose of terrorist rockets. Whoever UNRWA handed the rockets to, no matter who, is almost certain to have in turn handed them to a terror group.
Read more -
Excellent news archive on UNRWA on Israel National News
More on UNRWA by expert investigative reporter David Bedein
Hamas deeply embedded in UNRWA


 Even UNRWA's own photos confirm their schools support for jihad
‘Camp Jihad’ documentary exposes U.N.-Sponsored Camps that encourage Palestinian Kids to destroy Israel
The Blaze - Summer at United Nations-funded camps in Gaza and the northern West Bank include playing with parachutes, jumping on trampolines, and racing down inflatable slides.
In between those kid-friendly activities, counselors convey belligerent, anti-Semitic lessons to the children who are repeatedly taught to take back “their land” Palestine by means of war, martyrdom and jihad, as seen in a new video.
Read more and watch video
It's not just Hamas in Gaza.  'Moderate' PA uses the same books. 
UNRWA schools in the Palestinian Authority teach children to hate and kill Jews.  Schoolbooks praise terrorists as martyrs.
UNRWA Textbook:  Your enemies seek life, while you seek death.
Some Palestinian Authority texts glorify violence and death. An 8th grade reading book, in use since 2006, contains an ode to “heroes”: “Your enemies seek life, while you seek death”, while a 6th grade Arabic textbook asks students to read a poem The Martyr: “I shall carry my soul in my palm and toss it into the abyss of destruction….”
Read more

Palestinian Media Watch news archive on UNRWA Palestinian textbooks

More on UNRWA on this blog
UNRWA finds rockets in Hamas school
UNRWA schools teaching jihad
Hamas says teaching about human rights is against Palestinian Islamic culture
And here: 

Watch Bee's video -

Palestinian TV - Israel is a monster that eats children
Read more on the demonization of Jews by Palestinian media (funded by US taxpayers)

The UN funded children hate camps

UNWRA's Camp Jihad

Palestinian children in the Balata refugee camp at storytime in a summer camp run by the United Nations Relief Works Agency. (photo credit: Youtube/ screengrab)



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