
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

THE WHITE HOUSE TAKES TIME TO LECTURE ISRAEL WHILE HUNDREDS OF ROCKETS HIT ISRAELI CITIES - White House demands Israel's partition and promises to protect its security - Only it can't say how. It's classified.

Take a look at this map.  That tiny sliver in red is Israel.  The green areas are all Muslim Arab countries.  Not marked on the map is Iran, contentedly building a nuclear arsenal.  And further east and south are other Muslim countries.

ISRAEL is the tiny red area on the map. Green areas are all Arab countries

In Muslim countries there are no human rights.  Not even the right to life is respected.  Children are abused and murdered.  Women are treated worse than cattle.  Christians, if any left, are persecuted and killed. 

The Shia and Sunni Muslim factions are slaughtering each other in Syria and Iraq.
ISIS, following Sharia law to the letter, has become a ruthless conqueror aiming to establish a Caliphate that will even reach Europe, where Muslims once ruled.  
White House Priorities
But none of that is of top concern to the US administration.  Not even the United States downward economy, its out-of-control illegal immigration, and so many other urgent national and international crises are at the top of the White House agenda. 

Lecturing and bullying Israel is.  Because bullies don't fear Israel.  They know that Jews don't retaliate, don't sue, don't resort to terror. While Islamophobia is taboo, anti-Semitism has become mainstream.  It's cool to demonize the Jews.  It brings in votes, Muslim donations and international awards.
So look at that map again.  That little red area is the one that the United States wants to partition to create ANOTHER Arab state. 
The White House repeats that without partition there cannot be peace in the area.  If Arabs take over Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem - land that has been Jewish for thousands of years - there will be peace between Arabs and Jews, the White House reassures Israel.   Never mind that Muslims are killing each other all over the Middle East.  Just trust us. 
White House representative lecturing Israelis on security, as the rockets fly in
President Obama to PM Netanyahu: I'VE GOT YOUR BACK
The White House’s Middle East coordinator gave a risible speech Tuesday, asserting that the US knows how to keep Israel safe, at a conference that was halted by a Hamas attack
Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

At a conference in Jerusalem on Tuesday the White House’s Coordinator for the Middle East, Philip Gordon, delivered an address that dealt at some length with the US effort to both broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal and draw up the security arrangements that would leave Israel feeling safe enough to carry out significant territorial withdrawals. 
And how is the United States going to keep Israel safe in the spectacularly unstable Middle East? 
General Allen, who has coordinated closely with his Israeli counterparts in the Israeli army to fully understand Israel’s security challenges from Israel’s perspective in a two-state context says he can't go into specifics.  Details are "classified".
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