
Saturday, July 5, 2014

THE WEST ALSO DEVALUES CHILDREN'S LIVES - The case of the baby Cooper Harris deliberately left in a car to bake - How killing unborn babies is now a "right".

The detective said both Harris and his wife, Leanna Harris, seemed unemotional after learning their son died

We are often horrified at the abuse and exploitation of children in other countries.  But we should not feel so smug. 

In our part of the world any baby still in the womb can be regarded as simply garbage to be disposed of if they are inconvenient to the baby's parents.

Justin Ross Harris, the father of a toddler who died after police say he was left in a hot car for about seven hours, sits for his bond hearing in Cobb County Magistrate Court on ThursdayAborted fetuses are used for medical research at best.  At worst they are thrown away as "medical waste". 

There have been at least two instances when it was revealed that such medical waste is used to heat up hospitals and other buildings. 
Feminism has indeed sustained the notion that in matters of choice, it's only the mother who has the power of life or death of a baby in utero.  
The baby - a real human being - in development, has neither choice nor right to life.
Choice for feminists is not whether to have sex or not.  It's about choosing after the fact, when a new life has already been created.   

They routinely raise the issue of rape, but most abortions are done on women who had sex voluntarily.  The issue of whether the baby should get the death penalty after a rape is not even discussed.
Photos above:  Baby Cooper Harris, 22 months, and his father Justin, who has been accused of the crime of leaving his son to bake in his car. 

Daily Mail report

The baby's mother too appears to be implicated.

Cooper's parents had taken life insurance on the baby


We are all accomplices with the cheapening of a baby's life and that of every human being.

Aborted babies used as burning fuel

Aborted and miscarried babies incinerated in the UK to produce heat for buildings
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Aborted babies from Canada burned to heat up buildings in Oregon
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US Presbyterian Church votes against the protection of babies born alive during abortions
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First they murdered the babies. 
Now euthanasia on the rise.

Belgium - Parliament allows euthanasia for children of any age
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Belgium - Euthanasia cases soar by 25% in last year alone
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UK Liverpool Pathway Care
Where patients are still left to die fully conscious without food or water to accelerate their demise, often without notifying family.

60,000 patients put on death pathway without being told but minister still says controversial end-of-life plan is 'fantastic'
Read more -

Pathway was simply murder, as family member finds out patients were starved to death

UK denies surgery for those over 75 years old


Child sexual abuse at the highest levels

At least 40 UK politicians may be complicit in alleged Westminster 'pedophile ring' – report
A whistleblower who kicked off UK police pedophile probe Operation Fernbridge believes as many as 40 British MPs and peers were involved in or turned a blind eye to child abuse. Peter Mckelvie, a retired child protection team manager, who has spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of alleged child abuse by people in authority, believes ten current and former politicians are on the list and that there is enough evidence to arrest at least one senior politician, reports the Daily Telegraph.
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