
Saturday, July 12, 2014

THE PARTITION OF CYPRUS 40 YEARS AGO - The Muslim invasion that partitioned the island and destroyed a little paradise - See pictures of once beautiful now abandoned buildings - Today the world urges the partition of Israel and Jerusalem for Muslim takeover

UN peacekeepers have patrolled the area for years to try and prevent clashes between the populations of the two halves of the islandFrom coast town to ghost town: Eerie photos show derelict houses, hotels and airports in Nicosia - the only divided capital city in the world.

  • July 20 marks the 40th anniversary of Operation Attila, Turkish code name for invasion
  • Pictures were taken inside UN 'no man's land' buffer zone 
  • 112mile-long UN green line divides Turkish-occupied northern part of island from independent Republic of Cyprus

  • In the early 1970s, it was a top tourist destination, with golden sands, high-rise hotels and shopping precincts, frequented by the likes of Brigitte Bardot, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.  Today, the streets on the shoreline of Famagusta's beach resort lie eerily silent, and have been for decades. 
    Barbed wire fills the inside of the airport, where tourists once passed through on their way to Cyprus's popular beach resorts
    Derelict Nicosia Airport
    Nearby, surrounded by barbed wire, a plane sits forlorn on the tarmac - its tyres deflated and colours faded.   A control tower which once watched over the busy skies around Nicosia International Airport also stands derelict.
    Everything here has been frozen in time since 1974 - the year of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.   These are the haunting scenes inside the city of Nicosia, which is now the only divided capital city in the world - separated by a UN 'green line' buffer zone.   Around 112 miles long, it divides the Turkish-occupied northern part of the island from the independent Republic of Cyprus.
    In places, the neutral zone spans miles, but in the old town of Nicosia, it is barely 10ft wide - and still filled with echoes of the pastJuly 20 marks the 40th anniversary of the invasion, codenamed Operation Attila by Turks who opposed a union with Greece.  Only Turkey recognises the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state that was proclaimed in the north.  The July invasion resulted in some 37 per cent of the island being captured by Turkish forces before a ceasefire was announced.
    UN peacekeepers have patrolled the area for years to try and prevent clashes between the populations of the two halves of the island.  In places the neutral zone spans miles, but in the old town of Nicosia, it is barely 10ft wide - and still filled with echoes of the past...
    locator map of Cyprus
    Read more and see pictures
    Photos - Doros Partasides - Daily Mail
    Varosha - the abandoned city resort
    Nicosia, Cyprus, is the only divided capital in the world.  Today the world want to partition Jerusalem to hand the Biblical part of the city to the Muslims.
    The United States and Europe demand that Israelis partition their country to reward Arabs with land.  The same Palestinian Arabs who once collaborated with Hitler in the Holocaust.
    The disturbing secret the mainstream media and the US and EU governments don't want you to know.
    In spite of the Nazi origin of Palestinian nationalism, their active complicity with the Holocaust, and their ongoing Nazi ideology and terror against Jews, Palestinians are being portrayed as victims that need to be REWARDED with a Nazi state on Jewish land. 


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