
Saturday, July 5, 2014

'MODERATE' PALESTINIANS CALL FOR REVOLUTION AND DEMAND BLOOD - Rioters stop cars, ask drivers for their religion, and attack Jews - Jerusalem light rail system destroyed - ISIS flags going up

Violence: Angry young Palestinians clash with Israeli police following the murder of Arab teenager Mohammed Abu Khdair, in what is being investigated as a revenge attack for the death of three Jewish schoolboys

Violence has escalated since the murder of an Arab teen, which Arabs blame on the Jews. 
Police are still investigating, since there are several inconsistencies in the parents' statements to police.  There is speculation the killing took place because the boy was gay, and this could be an honor killing.  The family has also had other child kidnapping attempts in the past.
TIMES OF ISRAEL - A road was blocked in both directions due to burning tires, and masked men began asking drivers their religion. Two of the drivers who answered back in Hebrew were dragged from their cars and beaten. One of the drivers managed to get back in his car and escape while the other escaped on foot. His car was set on fire.  A police officer in uniform was also attacked on the road. He escaped on foot and his vehicle sustained damage.
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Photo - Daily Mail
The "moderate" Fatah faction demands blood.
Arab violence was further ignited by the "moderate" Fatah, Israel's partner for peace, that called for "violent revolution" in a campaign "to rise up" and "demand blood". 
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ISIS style flags aloft at Arab teen's funeral
Signs of bloodthirsty terror organization growing in Israel
The bloodthirsty terror group has gained prominence in recent months for capturing large swaths of western Iraq after three years of fighting in the ongoing Syrian civil war. ISIS has developed a reputation for particular brutality including beheadings, mass murder and crucifixions.
Last week, its flags were seen aloft at the Gaza funeral of an Islamist militant targeted by Israel in an airstrike for his involvement in launching rockets at the Jewish state.
At the time, analysts said this was the first such open sign of local support for the group. Israel’s Ma’ariv daily reported that Israeli and other western intelligence services have warned that the group’s influence is spreading and may have set down roots in the coastal enclave.
Also on Friday, Jerusalem Post Arab affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh reported in the Gatestone Institute that “despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] — also known as ‘The Islamic State’ — has begun operating in the Gaza Strip.”

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Arab violence in Israel is an ongoing affair - It never stops - It only gets worse from time to time
The idea of "land for peace" has lost all credibility - particularly in a Middle East context where Muslims are slaughtering other Muslims.  The idea that any self-respecting Muslim will make peace with the hated Jews just because Israel agrees to partition its land is risible.
Arab riots are always going on in Israel, particularly around Temple Mount, Jews' most sacred religious site, which Arabs demand be banned to Jews.
Attacks on Jewish motorists also occur daily, with stone throwers sometimes injuring and even killing Jews. 
So Arabs don't really need an excuse to attack Jews.  It's the Jewish presence in the Middle East that enrages them. 
Once Islam conquers a place, it's considered to belong to Muslims forever.  In the 7th century Israel was invaded and conquered by Muslims from the Arabian peninsula.  They are the true occupiers.
Until early in the 20th century Israel was part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, the same caliphate one the group ISIS, now conquering Syria and Iraq, wants to expand all the way to Spain and other parts of Europe they once dominated.
This war with Islam will never end.  Those who think that by partitioning Israel for the creation of a Palestinian state will bring peace to the region are deluding themselves and pursuing the weakness of the only country in the Middle East where Christians are not persecuted.
Brief outline of Israel's history
The real apartheid in Israel
US Congressman shocked at anti-Jewish discrimination in Israel
Does Islam have a true connection to Jerusalem?
More news
The killing of an Arab teenager and the rush to judgment - Jews blamed before investigation is completed - The many unanswered questions about this case.
Rioters destroy their own light rail system in Jerusalem
Arabs set fire to Jerusalem surroundings even before the Arab teen was murdered

Israel under rocket attacks from Gaza
US Senator Rand Paul denounces White House policies on Israel
Honest reporting - exposing media bias
Israel news roundup July 4, 2014

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