
Sunday, July 6, 2014

ISRAELI POLICE TRIES TO COVER UP THE MURDER OF A JEWISH GIRL BY AN ARAB - Israeli police coverup of Arab terror happens with disturbing frequency

Israeli authorities often cover up acts of Arab terror where Jews are murdered.  I have written about this before, and you can read previous posts at the bottom of this article.

Shelly DadonShelly Dadon, a young Israeli Jewish girl was murdered a few months ago on her way to a job interview.  There is an Arab village near her hometown.  Everything pointed to a nationalistic crime.  But police dawdled and hesitated and continued to "investigate".  The following article published today exposes the coverup.
This comes on the heels of the outrageous lack of police competence shown in the recent case of three abducted Jewish teens, where one of the victims managed to phone police, with the sound of Arab voices and gunshots in the background, but several police authorities decided to do nothing because the call "could have been a hoax".  Were they giving the Arabs more time to escape?  Who knows.  There is a culture of hate in Israel against Jews living in the settlements, and sympathy for Arabs among left-wing Israelis.  Anything is possible.  
ARUTZ SHEVA - A cousin of murdered Afula teen Shelly Dadon accused the Israel Police Sunday of purposely hushing up the terrorist motivation behind the murder, in order to avoid arousing Jewish anger. The Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) appears to believe that the motive for the murder is nationalistic, but police are saying that they are not sure of this.

The murderer reportedly claimed in his interrogation that Danon “cursed” him in the taxicab, and that this was why he murdered her.

Speaking on Voice of Israel public radio, a cousin of Shelly Dadon, Asaf Dadon, said that the claim that Shelly had “cursed” was ludicrous, and that Shelly was “a pure soul” who never looked down on another person. The trip to Migdal Haemek was her first foray outside of her home town of Afula, he said.
"We are under a gag order and we still cannot say how many times he stabbed her and what he did to her body afterward,” the cousin noted.
The cousin blasted the Israel Police and the justice establishment for what he said was an an attempt to whitewash the terrorist or nationalistic aspect of the murder because the murderer has turned out to be an Israeli citizen, and because it fears that Jewish nationalistic anger will now be directed towards Israeli Arabs.
"Our justice system is stupid,” he accused, “but the public is not. We know exactly why Shelly was murdered.”
The Dadon family also suspects that police timed the release of details about Shelly's murderer to coincide with the publication of details about the murder of an Arab teen in Jerusalem, so as to create a public sense that the two events somehow balance each other out.

According to Maariv-NRG, police extended the gag order on the case only three days ago, and never informed the family that they were about to release details to reporters on Sunday.

"No official element has approached us yet and all we know is rom the media,” said Assaf Dadon. “We do not understand why this timing was chosen.”

Article on Shelly Dadon's murder and police coverup

RELATED - Police incompetence only?

What part of this emergency call by one of the three abducted Jewish teenagers was it that it led police think that it was a prank call?

The release tape of the emergency call made by one of the three boys abducted (and then murdered) by Arabs has the boy's anguished voice telling police "I've been abducted."  Noises in the background are those of Arab-speakers talking on cellphones saying "We've brought three", and then giving orders to the boys.  Then one hears the sound of gunshots. 
Several police officers of different ranks heard this recording and the decision was made by those in authority to dismiss it as a prank.  This in a country with frequent attempts at kidnapping of Jews by Arabs.  Kidnapping a Jew is for Arabs a means for getting hundreds of Arab terrorists released in exchange for even one Jew.

Read more


Israel National News archive of police relations with Jews and the frequent brutal abuse of Jews by police.


Breaking News - Police corruption
Police on Thursday arrested a senior lawyer who allegedly sold criminal suspects information regarding their cases for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The lawyer, named on Sunday as Ronel Fisher, is also suspected of transferring money to police officers in exchange for the termination of his defendants’ investigations. 
Read more
And how it undermines the security and the very existence of Israel
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The problem extends to Israeli Army commanders

The body of a Jewish worshipper, covered in a blood-stained tallis, lies on the ground. Palestinian Arabs shot and killed one Israeli and wounded two others  near Joseph's Tomb, a Jewish holy site inside the city of Nablus. April 24, 2011.Joseph Ben Livnat was shot by "moderate" Palestinian Authority (PA) police in 2011 at biblical Joseph's Tomb for the crimes of being a Jew and for being at a site controlled by the PA, where he had gone to worship.  He was shot 44 times.  He was unarmed. 
The Army commander was OK with it, called this murder an "incident," and just expressed condolences to the family.
 Read more -
Arabs claim Joseph's Tomb for themselves. 

They just set fire to the place.
July 6, 2014 -  Arabs torched Joseph's Tomb - Again.
Read more

The following articles were posted on this blog in the past:
February 12, 2014 - The following is not an unusual occurrence.  Police have in the past characterized clear acts of road terror as "accidents". Arab truck drivers deliberately cross into the opposite lane to strike Jewish cars full of children.  The drivers' excuses are risible, but pro-Arab police and pro-Arab judges pretend to believe them.
There is a leftist element in Israel that sympathizes with Arab terrorists.  They have been educated by leftist teachers and professors, and read the leftist media.  In their own way they do their part in undermining the law and the state - and the security of the country.  
Here is the case of an obvious murder.  Six empty bullet shells at the site were enough evidence.  But not to police and the pro-Arab court system. 
Contrary to allegations, Israel has fully integrated Israeli Arabs into all kinds of jobs, particularly as police, court lawyers and judges.  But this attitude is not due to Arabs in those jobs alone.  Plenty of leftist Jewish Israelis have attained posts of influence from which they can sabotage justice and security.
Read about two of the best known cases (there are many others)


Police 'Bungled' Investigation of Rabbi’s Murder

State Comptroller’s report highly critical of police in case of terrorist attack written off as suicide.

By Maayana Miskin for Israel National News, Arutz Sheva
Rabbi Moshe Talbi
Rabbi Moshe Talbi
Photo INN, courtesy of the family
The State Comptroller has issued a strong condemnation of police behavior in the investigation of the death of Rabbi Moshe Talbi.
Rabbi Talbi, 54, a father of seven, was found dead of a gunshot wound in his car nearly three years ago, outside the Israeli community of Revava in Samaria. Despite evidence indicating that he had been murdered – including the presence of six bullet shells in his car – police insisted that the rabbi had committed suicide.
Police only agreed to reopen the case after the family hired a private pathologist, and took her findings to Knesset, where they gathered support among MKs for further investigation. A second investigation indicated that Rabbi Talbi may have been murdered by terrorists.
Due to their erroneous assumption, police officers failed to conduct basic tests that could have helped find the killers, State Comptroller Yosef Shapira stated.
“Various examinations that are required in any investigation of a death of this kind were not carried out,” he wrote.
“They did not check for fingerprints or take DNA samples from the Rabbi’s car, his clothing was not examined, a picture of the scene was not taken immediately, but rather, only much later, no pathologist was brought to the scene, and there was no analysis of the blood pattern at the scene.  The bullet that was left at the scene was not located, and security cameras were not checked,” he noted.
“The fact that police reached the conclusion that it was a suicide before completing the investigation meant they did not conduct critical tests which could have shed light on the circumstances of the death,” he charged.
Attorney Shmuel Lankry, Rabbi Talbi’s brother-in-law, spoke to Arutz Sheva about the case. He noted that police had insisted Rabbi Talbi’s death was a suicide despite the complete lack of evidence that the rabbi had been depressed, and despite tell-tale signs of a violent struggle in the car.
In addition, he said, a nearby security camera – which police failed to check – showed two suspicious figures in the area shortly before the rabbi’s death.
Lankry said police had hidden evidence that contradicted the suicide theory, including the presence of DNA that did not belong to Rabbi Talbi on the trigger of the gun that killed him.
He noted that the State Comptroller had also taken police to task for the way in which officers broke the news of Rabbi Talbi’s death to his son Netanel. Police first summoned Netanel Talbi for investigation, and only after he arrived told him his father was dead.
“The son called his father to tell him he had been summoned for investigation and didn’t know why, but there was no father to answer him,” Lankry said.

The comptroller condemned officers’ behavior in the incident as “unreasonable” and “insensitive.” He rejected to argument made by police that their goal had been to investigate quickly, saying, “Even if Netanel’s help was needed in the investigation, it could have been sought in a more appropriate, more sensitive manner.”

The Talbi family is not seeking revenge, Lankry noted. The family simply wishes to avoid any similar scenarios in the future, he said.  “This is a matter of public interest.”

He noted that the police behavior exhibited after Rabbi Talbi’s death was not a one-off event.

Following the deaths of Asher Palmer and his infant son Yonatan, police wrote off the incident as a car crash caused by careless driving. Only the family’s protests, and the fact that Asher’s gun had been stolen from the scene, led police to investigate further and to conclude that the two had been murdered by terrorists, Lankry recalled.

The case of Asher Palmer and baby son mentioned above
Clear evidence of a deliberate attack was a large rock that had been thrown inside the vehicle.
Police pretended not to see it, except that a passerby had taken a photograph of the scene that showed the bloodied rock that had hit Mr. Palmer's head, who then lost control of the vehicle.  
Throwing rocks at Jewish motorists is a daily activity for Arabs of all ages, which has been so far largely disregarded by Israeli authorities, in spite of the fact that there have been injuries and deaths from rock attacks.

November 25, 2011: 
Israel Police Chief:  "car accident" was terror attack, after all

Asher and Yonatan Palmer
Asher and Yonatan Palmer
Palmer family
Israel Police Chief Yochanan Danino has confirmed that the victims of a tragic car crash Friday were murdered by terrorists, Channel 2 television reported Sunday afternoon. Previously, police stated that the crash was caused by driver error and was definitely not the result of an attack.  The dramatic change in approach followed a meeting Saturday night on autopsy findings in the deaths of the two victims, 25-year-old Asher Palmer and his infant son Yehonatan.

Arutz Sheva has obtained a document detailing findings from the scene of the crash. Among the evidence that at first failed, for unknown reasons, to convince police that terrorists may have been involved:
A hole in the front windshield of the car, a massive rock found in the front seat with human blood on it, a tear in fabric of the steeling wheel cover and dust indicating a blow from the rock, and damage to Asher Palmer's face suggesting an impact unrelated to the crash.
Even when the perpetrators are convicted, it's only a matter of time till the government releases hundreds Arab prisoners from jail, many of them actual terrorists and murderers.  Therefore there's no incentive for Arabs to restrain their violence.

The United States government pressures Israel to release more and more terrorists and praises their release

This Ongoing War BlogSpot
Arab rock-throwers injure and kill babies
May 2, 2014  - Breaking news from Israel
Infant injured when Arabs attack bus with rocks.  The baby took the blow and was cut on his face by glass shards from the shattered window. After initial treatment that we administered on the scene he was evacuated with light injuries" to the hospital.
A similar rock attack occurred in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood last November, leaving two year old baby Avigail Ben-Tzion seriously injured after a rock struck her head. After being rushed to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, her condition stabilized.
Adele Biton - Left brain-damaged by rock attack
Following that attack Adva Biton, mother of the infant Adelle who was nearly killed last March by a rock thrown at the family's car near Ariel in Shomron, said the attack brought her right back to the day of the attack, and that she had hoped Adelle would be the last injured infant.
Lowenstein Hospital in Ra'anana this week agreed to let Adelle stay at the hospital for another four months, as the Biton family home is not yet prepared to deal with the infant's special needs given that she was left with only partial consciousness.
Nazi Germany?  No. 
Arab mob attacks Jewish children on their way to prayer in Israel.
A group of Jewish children and their fathers ascended the Temple Mount on Tuesday and were verbally and physically assaulted by Muslims objecting to their presence, according to recorded footage of the incident released on Thursday.  About 20 religious children were verbally assaulted, then the side curls of one boy were pulled and Muslims also spit and threw shoes.
“In the video clip, Jewish fathers can be heard telling their children to not be afraid, and the young children, holding one another’s hands, proceeded calmly and orderly, despite the clearly life endangering situation that they found themselves in. The police, on the other hand, appear in the video to be on the edge of panic, barely in control at all, running this way and that, but achieving nothing other than bringing great shame to the name of the Israeli police and creating a horrific desecration of G-d’s name through their cowardly display of inaction in the place of G-d’s Sanctuary.”
Read more and see video
April 2014 - Arabs murder Jewish father of four, injuring his pregnant wife
The president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, categorically denies ever making a statement condemning this murder.  

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) judge dismisses rockthrowing by Arabs as just "mischievous" - although they have injured and even killed Jews this way.  That's the Israeli left for you.

Palestinian Authority pays up to $3,400 A MONTH to terrorists incarcerated in Israel
ALL FUNDED BY YOU - the European and American taxpayer.

Israeli authorities routinely play down Arab acts of terror and violence, even to the point of hiding evidence.  They are also inexplicably reluctant to curb Arab violence. 
The truth is that they treat Jews with discrimination and harshness, while they go easy on Arabs.   Israeli authorities allow Arabs to attack Jews with impunity in circumstances that are very predictable, such as while driving, or walking on their way to prayer at Temple Mount, the most sacred site in Judaism. 

Every single day gangs of Arab youngsters throw rocks at motorists.  These rocks have injured and killed Israelis.  They also riot outside Temple Mount to deny Jews the right to pray there.  Police have done NOTHING to protect Jews.
Motives for Israeli government policies of tolerance for Arab terror are unclear.  These policies are supported by left-wing Israelis and by the ever-meddling United States government representatives.

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