
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

IRAQI CHRISTIANS RALLY AT THE WHITE HOUSE CHANTING OBAMA, OBAMA, WHERE ARE YOU? - In the meantime the president today thanked Muslims for building the very fabric of the USA and strenghtening democracy

iraqi-christiansHundreds of outraged Iraqi Christians staged a rally outside the White House, demanding to know why President Obama wasn’t providing any aid to the scores of faithful being persecuted by radical Muslims around the world.

Only a week ago the invading army of Islamist ISIS gave Christians in the city of Mosul the ultimatum of either convert or die.  Christians fled for their lives.

“Iraq’s Christians are being ignored by the United States, the United Nations and the human rights organizations,” said one bishop who made a 12-hour ride from Chicago with his parishioners to the Washington, D.C., rally, Breitbart reported. 
Demonstrators in general vented frustration at the Obama administration’s seeming lackadaisical response to the assaults on Christianity and on Christians in the Muslim-dominated Middle East and, more specifically, on the White House failure to respond to ISIL’s crackdown on Christians.
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In the meantime today president Obama thanked Muslims for building the very fabric of the USA and strengthening the country's democracy.

The comments were made to mark the celebration of Eid-al-Fitr celebrated at the end of Ramadan The International Business Times reports that during Eid, Muslims join in Islamic prayer, while saying "Allahu Akbar," or "God is Great," and feasting.
The statement further reads that the administration “wishes Muslims in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous celebration.” The letter ended with salutation of “Eid Mubarak,” which roughly means “blessed celebration.”

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Islamist ISIS plundered Christians as they poured out of Mosul, Iraq

ISIS jihadis had given Christians a deadline to convert, pay or face death.  They marched 42 miles to freedom.
(AINA) -- More than 200 Christian Assyrian families fled in panic from Mosul on July 17 and 18 as the ISIS deadline for converting to Islam approached (AINA 2014-07-20). ISIS had issued a statement asking all Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay the jizya, the poll tax on Christians, or face the sword. ISIS gave July 19 as the deadline to comply with its demands. Most Assyrians of Mosul responded by fleeing the city.
ISIS setup checkpoints at the Araby and Shallalat neighborhoods (AlSada and Biawaizah) and robbed and plundered Assyrians who were fleeing the city. ISIS took money from the Assyrians, as well as cars, cell phones, food, money, gold, including fake jewelry, electronic items and even medicines.
Over 85 families who had fled Baghdede (Qarawosh/Hamdaniya) reported being robbed of all of their possessions.

The Christian flight from Mosul


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