
Monday, July 21, 2014

APARTHEID IN ISRAEL? An Israeli Jew of African descent gives his life fighting for his country. And an Israeli Arab army commander is wounded, also fighting for Israel.

Moshe MalkoJerusalem Post - The IDF on Monday announced that Staff Sgt. Moshe Malko, 20, from Jerusalem, was among the 13 elite Golani soldiers killed in action in Gaza early on Sunday morning.  Yosef Hailo, a brother-in-law of Moshe, described him as “a courageous young man” who was always ready to support others.  
“Moshe loved to help others, but especially his family,” Yosef told The Jerusalem Post. “He would do everything for others, he’d always volunteer for any task that needed doing, you could always get help from him,” he continued. 
Yosef noted that Moshe’s older brother was murdered several years ago and that the crime has never been solved, saying that the psychological wound from this incident was still prevalent in the family and is now compounded by Moshe’s death. 
“Because of the pain of his brother’s murder he always wanted to cheer up his other brothers and sisters, and make them laugh,” Yosef continued. “He himself was always laughing, he didn’t get annoyed or moody, and he always had a smile on his face.”
Moshe would help out paying the household bills and wished to advance in the army and gain a senior rank in order to help his family.
He last spoke with his mother on Friday and in keeping with his character remained upbeat and told her that everything would be ok. 
Yosef said that the family wanted to the Jewish People to be strong in these difficult times and to keep fighting for the country. 
Wounded  Israel Defense Forces (IDF)  battalion commander Raslan Alian (an Arab Druze), who lost 13 men overnight, is eager to return to his troops in Gaza.

Col. Rassan Alian Photo: IDF Spokesperson
Overnight Commander Col. Raslan Alian, an Arab Druze, lost 13 of his fighters and sustained light to moderate wounds in fierce fighting in northern Gaza’s Shuja’iya area, a Hamas stronghold and the source of no less than 10 tunnels and some 140 rocket strikes against Israel.  “I have a lot of soldiers over there and I need to get back to them,” Alian told doctors at Beersheba’s Soroka Medica Center, according to Israel’s Ynet news site.

Col. Alian didn’t tell his wife he was going into Gaza, but she already sensed it.  “My son was silent when I first told him,” she said, and when he asked why, replied that his father “had to serve as a personal example to his soldiers and officers, and that I was only praying for everyone’s safety.”


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