
Friday, March 28, 2014


Former president Jimmy Carter spoke with CBC Radio The Current this morning about his new book A Call to Action which tackles the subject of discrimination and violence against women.  He declined to denounce non-Western countries during the interview because it's a delicate subject and they might take offence.  He said the West should instead deal with its own problems first.
Exposing violence and discrimination against women is very laudable project.  The problem affects all countries, all races, all religions - in very different degrees, of course.

So here comes an important difference.  While there is sexual exploitation of women and domestic violence in the West - these crimes are NOT SANCTIONED by society at large, the  law or the state's religion.  
In other countries, though, this type of behavior is either condoned by government and religious officials - or is not subject to any significant punishment for the perpetrators.
I haven't read Mr Carter's book, but he failed to make that difference during the interview.
Furthermore, Mr Carter said that we should not criticize Islam and other non-Western countries because this is a sensitive issue for other cultures, and that we should deal with our own problems first.   
I'm paraphrasing, but that was the point he clearly made.
Back in the 1930s and 40s, when Nazis were persecuting, rounding up, starving and finally murdering millions of Jews, what if someone who thought along the same lines as Mr Carter's had said "Let's not criticize that fellow Hitler in Europe until we have our own house in order.  After all we have discrimination against negroes (that was the term used then) - so what right do we have to criticize Germans dealing with their own minorities over there."
And believe it or not, that's exactly what some prominent American leaders said at that time.  And the West did nothing.  The reason the Allies got involved in the war was to prevent Hitler's further expansion into Britain and other parts of the world - not because he was murdering millions of Jews.
To listen to the interview with President Carter click here
For women's rights under Islam go to Women's Rights tab on top of the page
What the Koran says about wife beating
Palestinian honor killings skyrocket - Israel is blamed

Kidnappings, assaults, sexual offences, and murder by Muslims in Britain - in the name of honor - Who's to blame? Can't be Israel.
Epidemic of rape of European women by Muslim men
List of incidents
Gang rapes in Europe underreported by the media
Polish men escort women to protect them from Muslim rape gangs
Grooming and rape gangs in the West - Commentary
Widespread violence against women is not a problem unique to Muslim countries.  In India, for example, where a large proportion of the population are Hindus, women also suffer from  assault, rape, disfigurement, and murder.  And it may get worse, as the ratio of women to men grow more out of balance.

The New Statesman  - Why India is sitting on a social time-bomb of violence against women
There are 37 million more men than women in India, and most of them are of marriageable age given the relatively young population. A social time-bomb is now setting off there with terrifying consequences.

CHINA too has a serious gender imbalance with more men than women, but there is nowhere near the same amount of violence against women there.  So the real problem is not gender demographics.


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