
Friday, February 22, 2013


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New study on rising temperatures and
 the release of Siberian methane into the atmosphere
Study of Siberian permafrost caves shows global warming of just 1.5C 'would pump out a TRILLION tonnes of methane and CO2'
An ice hall in the Ledyanaya Lenskaya Cave: Stalactites and stalagmites only grow in the presence of liquid water. By dating them researchers worked out when they last grew and what the global temperatures were
An ice hall in the Ledyanaya Lenskaya Cave: Stalactites and stalagmites only grow in the presence of liquid water. By dating them researchers worked out when they last grew and what the global temperatures were

  • U.N. studies show global temperatures have already risen by 0.7C
  • Huge increase in levels of CO2 could accelerate global warming
  • Infrastructure built on top of permafrost across the world would collapse
  • Governments currently committed to no more than 2C climate change

  • A little increase in global temperatures could unleash catastrophe. The Earth warming process feeds on itself. A small increase past a certain point could release unimaginable amounts of methane, now frozen in Siberian permafrost. 

    Methane in the atmosphere would then act as a trigger for more global warming, precipitating a catastrophe.

    Climate change is a fact, and it has been so for four and a half billion years. Ours is a living planet, and so it evolves, it suffers from crises, it adapts, it changes constantly.

    In spite of disagreements over planet cooling and warming aside, present conditions point to global warming. I live in Canada and Arctic ice IS MELTING. 

    Maybe these conditions will reverse, maybe not. And if they do not,  even small increases in global temperatures could unleash a catastrophe, once stored methane evaporates into the atmosphere.

    A temperature increase of only 1.5 C could accelerate melting of Siberian permafrost adding 1,000 gigatones of carbon dioxide and methane to our atmosphere.

    Man-made CO2 may not be the main perpetrator of global warming - just an agent that could push things over the tipping point.

    It is quite possible - and there are scientific studies that say so - that there are other factors involved in global warming, among them the sun and other galactic conditions.

    It is unfortunate that too many researchers use the threat of global warming to promote their political agenda.

    The United Nations push for a badly conceived carbon tax has raised concerns about corruption at the highest levels. 

    Science has become too politicized, too muzzled by the scientific and political establishments, and too dependent on grants from big pockets -  leaving independent researchers fighting to express contrary views.

    Among all this political infighting, the climate is changing - and we should be adapting to it and doing what we can to ameliorate its consequences, particularly for our precious flora and fauna.
     Read more about the new study on Siberian permafrost here:

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